Mojo and Quantum Computing

In recent years we have seen some interesting progress in quantum computing.
I was wondering how these advancements could impact programming in general and mojo in particular.

It may be too early to tell. Afaik development in this stack is still a wip I’ve been quite interested in quantum computing myself.

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Yeah, I am also interested in quantum physics since I washed “Ant-Man”.

Saw a really cool post on TikTok yesterday. Really puts it into perspective at scale The Size of an Atom

Yeah, that cool post bro. Quantum will have a lot to offer it will just take some time.

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To be honest it may not even be in our lifetimes. Afaik it is very much theoretical currently.

I don’t think so, Quntum is not only theoretical now. See this presentation

The link doesn’t work

My intuition says that mojo will probably have the best chance of a programming language for quantum (other than a purpose built language ofc) since you can theoretically create a MLIR dialect for almost anything.

I skimmed thru D-Wave’s tech. Some benchmarking tests were deemed inconclusive. Nothing concrete. But theoretical and real-world applications aside. I can see Mojo treading down this path

I don’t know or understand what MLIR is but it seems very interesting.

Recently the world most biggest asset management company BlackRock invested a lot of money in D-wave and other quantum-related companies, and I don’t think they don’t know what they are doing.

You’re in the right place. Look into MLIR, LLVM, Swift, and Go. The stack in this community is supposed to be a bridge from all of the fragmented tech stacks out there.

That is the beauty of stem. It is rigorously tested by the community. Only when the community decides something is viable is it adopted and accepted. The method in my opinion is to test something and accept that it can either be true or false. I don’t even think they’ve put string theory to the test in quantum computing.

Speaking for myself, I don’t know enough about Quantum to know what are the important problems to solve. Mojo seems theoretically well set up for it though, given Mojo exposes the power of MLIR (which a number of people are using in the broader quantum space) and allows building powerful DSLs.

It would be great to see people with more experience explore this, but mojo need to grow up a bit more.


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