Hi. I am tyring to create library bindings of FLTK, in mojo. However, mojo’s compiler throws a segmentation fault when I try to pass an UnsafePointer
of a function, to the ffi:
from mjui._app import Application, FLTK_WIDGET_POINTER
from mjui.const import *
from mjui.const import __dll
fn log(w: FLTK_WIDGET_POINTER, *args:c_void) -> NoneType:
fn main() raises:
var app = Application()
var window = fltk_create_window_new(1000, 500, "Window")
var grid = fltk_layout_grid(0, 0, get_width(window), get_height(window))
fltk_set_grid_layout_dimensions(grid, 10, 5, -1, 10)
set_widget_color(grid, rgb_to_i32(77, 0, 42))
var string = "Submit".as_bytes()
var input = fltk_create_input_new(0, 0, 0, 0, ''.as_bytes())
var button2 = fltk_create_button_new(0, 0, 0, 0, string)
# set_widget_color(button, rgb_to_i32(0, 255, 0))
var fn_pointer = UnsafePointer.address_of(log)
set_widget_color(button2, rgb_to_i32(255, 166, 214))
set_selection_color(button2, rgb_to_i32(250, 152, 204))
set_widget_callback(button2, fn_pointer)
fltk_grid_assign_pos(grid, input, 4, 2)
fltk_grid_assign_pos(grid, button2, 5, 2)
Here’s the implementation of set_widget_callback:
void set_widget_callback(Fl_Widget *widget, Fl_Callback0 callback)
and the code that fetches the symbol:
var set_widget_callback = __dll.get_function[fn(w: FLTK_WIDGET_POINTER, handler:UnsafePointer[fn(w: FLTK_WIDGET_POINTER, *args:c_void)->NoneType, alignment=1]) -> NoneType]('set_widget_callback')