Product: Inline Typed Shell Commands with Piping

If modular or a foundation gained the funds to create the following, do any of you think this would be a transformative product:

Mojo REPL becomes a full terminal & .mojo files become full shell scripts.

  • first class Mojo REPL "3 + 3" (Tutorial - xonsh 0.19.0 documentation)
  • first class TYPED CLI with piping "ls | sort-by size | reverse" or "sh(ls).sort(size, reverse).chart()" (Quick Tour | Nushell)
  • NOT POSIX compatible, favoring type-safe human-quality-of-life REPL
    • "./run" or "sh(./run)" looks for script file "run" then "" then "run.mojo"
  • TUI compatible (GPU accelerated?)
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