You may have noticed a few new forum categories and subcategories! We’ve made a few changes to hopefully make the forum easier to navigate. Here’s a summary of the changes:
- “Other” was renamed to “General”
- “MAX” now has two subcategories: “Serving” and “Models & Pipelines”
- “Mojo” now has six subcategories: “Python Interop”, “Performance”, “VS Code Extension”, “Language Design”, “LSP”, and “Standard Library.” Please use these in place of similar tags and let us know if there are other subcategories you’d like to see.
- We now have a category dedicated to GPU programming: “GPU Programming” with one subcategory “Performance.”
- “Official Announcements” and “Forum Feedback” were converted into subcategories of a new “Modular” category that also contains a “Licensing” subcategory.
- “Community Showcase” now has a “Community Meetings” subcategory.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about these changes, and feel free to suggest additional categories or subcategories that you’d like to see added!